Applied Philosophy

Applied Philosophy TNJ School

Children are our Paramount priority and we are constantly striving to give them the best to make them the best.

TNJ values a learning environment that is a safe, caring, non-threatening, challenging, and stimulating atmosphere in which children are free to learn, grow and experiment to develop their own learning through self-directed play. We follow a pattern of experimental learning which ignites curiosity and in turn delivering individual Growth.

We Spread Belongingness to Create Magical Moments that Inspires Imaginations. We Nourish Childhood to Inculcating Creativity by Freedom of Choices through Experimental Learning that Ignites Curiosity for Individual Growth.

The school encourages
  • Self-reliance,
  • Love for the outdoors,
  • A spirit of adventure,
  • Growth of intellectual curiosity and
  • Community service through various school programs.
TNJ aims and strives to enable the young minds to go beyond basic academic developments. TNJ International emphasizes on experiential learning, and in today’s world of cosmopolitans we prepare child for tomorrow's challenge.